This is historical fiction based on Unit 731: Japan’s equivalent of Nazi medical experimentation. Of the nine circles in Dante’s Hell, I chose to write about violence. This story is not an easy read, so I appreciate if you still offer to give it a look. PM me your email and I’ll send it as a Word file so you can use the Comments tab.
My concerns/questions to guide your critique:
[b]Does the plot and theme tie well to the Dantean concept of violence?
Are any parts of it too graphic? If so, how can I tone it down?[/b]
Did I go overboard with the medical jargon?
My judgment in this is somewhat clouded due to my background in biomedical science. I’d like to know if it’s readable and understandable to the average reader.
[b]What do you think of the style and format of the storytelling? The alternating contrast between medical charting and diary-like writing?
What is your reaction throughout the story? How do you feel about the main character?[/b]
I’ll tell you more about my intent once you’ve finished reading, to see if my expectations and your actual emotional reaction match up or not.
Is it furry enough that it can’t be easily replaced with human characters?
Thanks again!