Reading through this year’s RF anthology, Furtual Horizons, I’ve found stories that have a lot of potential. Things such as poor sentence structure, poor balance between action and description, and ellipses love seem to drag down the quality of what could be a perfectly great story. There was one that I couldn’t even get through because the little editor inside of me was kicking and screaming the whole time >.< I’ll be revisiting it after I finish the other stories though.
Most of the authors involved are people I met at RF and have continued to stay in contact with, both here and on Twitter. A couple of them are people that I see face to face even out of RF. I want to give feedback so that I can help them come closer to their full potential, but in one or two cases I find myself struggling. They have great ideas, but their sentence structure is atrocious. I’m no professional, and haven’t edited much outside of friends’ works, so I was wondering what might be a good way to help them without being rude. They’re open to improvement and critisism, but are there key points to gentlify (is that even a word? O.o) the process when I know they’re receptive to subtlety? Would an email be better, or a pm through this site, or in the one case, face to face be easier? What are some methods you’ve used in the past that you’ve found works best?
I don’t normally struggle when critiquing other people’s work, even my friends. However, these need quite a bit more work than I’m used to seeing, and the last thing I want to do is dishearten someone with so many great ideas.
Thanks for any advice you’re able to give. It’s all very appreciated.