Furry Writers' Guild Forum

2017 FWG Secretary


During tonight’s State of the Guild chat, we found ourselves thinking about some of the work that needs to be done around here. Chip and I are both stretched pretty thin, so @shirou suggested filling the position of secretary. It’d be super helpful for us in a few different ways:

[ul][li]Help take notes during SotG and keep us on schedule[/li]
[li]Help organize resources for the site and such - notably, it was suggested that we compile a catalog of member publications[/li]
[li]Help keep tasks organized in the Trello and share on the forums as necessary[/li]
[li]Help Chip and Makyo with the blog[/li]
[li]Keep Makyo in check so she keeps the flailing to a minimum[/li][/ul]

With those in mind, would anyone be willing to help us out as secretary? Only requests are that you be around for at least the Thursday State of the Guild and that you be easily contacted by members (e.g: for the catalog).

Reply here so that we can start the convo!