I guess I never posted mine. I have a few:
Writing Twitter - @TigroxTales
Personal Twitter - @OceanTigrox
Writing podcast twitter - @FangsAndFonts
I guess I never posted mine. I have a few:
Writing Twitter - @TigroxTales
Personal Twitter - @OceanTigrox
Writing podcast twitter - @FangsAndFonts
Just finished updating the list – if you’re a guild member and you’re not on this list, let me know:
I would like to be please! @mj_engels Thank you, PT!
Is this list complete?
March is Furry Women’s Month
April is Furry Poetry Month
October is Furry Book Month
Have I missed any? What’s next?
This is from a comment on Dogpatch Press, but considering how these “furry months” are announced on the FWG site, there should be a list of furry fandom’s unofficial? semi-official? official? months here as well. Does anyone have a May theme yet?
Will this October be a Furry Book Month, too?
Whoops, forgot to offer mine to be added.
I’m @JadenDrakus
I just noticed this and I haven’t seen myself on there.
My info is: @MilesReaver
Hey, lookit that! Just got a notice that I’m on there now with all the rest of the cool kids. Thanks PT! Or whomever was kind enough to add me.
Hey, lookit that! Just got a notice that I’m on there now with all the rest of the cool kids. Thanks PT! Or whomever was kind enough to add me.
That would be me, as Poetigress hasn’t been on staff this year. (Although she’ll be FWG Treasurer in a week and a half.)
Mark Engels:Hey, lookit that! Just got a notice that I’m on there now with all the rest of the cool kids. Thanks PT! Or whomever was kind enough to add me.
That would be me, as Poetigress hasn’t been on staff this year. (Although she’ll be FWG Treasurer in a week and a half.)
Much obliged, my friend. Thanks!
If you’re a guild member and have a Twitter account, please check and see if your account is listed here:
If you’re not on that list and would like to be, please reply with your Twitter account name(s), and I’ll get you added.
Page doesn’t exist when I click the link.
I am not having that problem myself. I can see the list just fine.
I just got a Twitter account today. I am on there as @fontainepen
If anyone would like to follow me on Twitter, look me up @batced
Probably should share my writer twitter because… O_O Why not!
don’t know if this section is still checked but my current witter is pghtgr. it’ll probably change but that’s me at the moment.