Are there any legal actions FC can take against Inside Edition for filming for commercial use after being denied a few times over?
Also, this makes me want to headdesk: “To be a furry is to be an enthusiast of cartoon comics and art.”
I noticed they were careful not to film a single non-costumed person at the convention, not even acknowledging the idea that there are furs who exist that don’t costume v.v
And then this: “Furries are triggering fierce criticism from some.
“Fur suits creep me out,” is one of the milder comments on YouTube.
Others call furries “weird” and “losers.””
Notice there’s absolutely no contradiction in the article.
Definitely could have been worse, but still dissappointed.
FC’s statement says they’ve “reached out to our venue and city contacts to evaluate our options for recourse.”
I’d love to see IE sued, but yeah, I don’t know enough about the legalities of such things to know if there’d even be a case (or if anybody would have a decent chance of winning). I don’t know if a media code of conduct is legally binding or not, and it might also have to do with whether the hotel/con area is considered private or public space…?
What’s the point of even having a media code of conduct if no actions can be taken to uphold it? >.< The sad thing is, chances are IE has a huge legal team, which would explain why they’re able to keep doing what they’re doing. Still would love to see them sued and lose though. There’s something so satisfying about a self-proclaimed ‘newsgroup’ getting their just-desserts.
In the end, it was a 2 minute segment that will be forgotten in a heartbeat.
It’s not CSI, it’s not the Tyra Banks show, it’s a small blurb.
Sure, they broke the rules, and I hope something backlashes at them for it.
But for what it’s worth, the article is worth nothing more than an eye blink in the media’s eye.
In all honesty, if this article gains any power, it’ll be because furries will make a mountain of a very, very small molehill.
Voice, very good point. That episode of CSI made it so my s-mom died without ever knowing I was a fur >.> She ate it up hook line and sinker >.<
Ryff, hopefully. It also looks like if nothing else, they’re going to try to find ways to make it that much more difficult for folks to break the code of conduct (huge props on them for working so hard to reinforce it).